Iā€™m proud to have connected + partnered with Chakrubs to bring this offering to my site. This is a company I strongly believe in + highly recommend to many of my clients to help heal their energetic body and physical body of traumas + blocked energies. These gemstone tools help one not only release but also amplify their energetic field through pleasure.

Chakrubs are sex toys and massage tools made from natural crystals that bring a sense of sacredness to your playtime + a re-connection to your body. These beautiful, hand-crafted tools are created with the intention of opening oneself up to the healing properties crystals provide. Crystals have perfect molecular structures that have positive effects on our electro-magnetic fields. When our energetic bodies are at ease, we are at ease, we are open to healing, to peace, to love + to all of life's pleasures.

You can shop their site by clicking here or by clicking on any of the images below. Please use the promo code especially for Soul Alignment Specialist clientele ALIGNED10 for 10% off your order.

Happy Aligning + Oceans of Sacred Self Love,
